Freelance Project

Now the new year has arrived a lot of stuff has happened and a lot of things have started to happen. My business project is finally underway with a date set for the gig and promotion is underway and happening. A Facebook page has been set up (, and posters created.

Students have finally been found to be taught also, mainly level 2 musicians, that I shall hopefully soon be teaching in the near future. So for now that is all and I will update soon.poster (5)

Post Christmas Gig Update

The christmas gig has happened and it was a success. The mega song went down really well with everyone and everybody enjoyed it. The horn line worked well with everything else and everyone played everything in the right place at the right time. This is a big achievement for not only me but for the whole band as well as we managed to get 8 seperate parts working together and sounding good.

As it was an assessment we did get feedback from tutors and stuff. My main feedback from my keyboard assessment was that I didnt play enough keys. But ah well, everything else was really good and I still got a merit. screen-shot-2016-01-03-at-12-13-59 (1)img_0020.jpg

Christmas Gig Megatron Update

So the Christmas gig is now only a week away. The medley song (unofficially Megatron) is now done and it is just practice practice practice. All of the horn guys have there parts and can play them, it is just getting all the parts to work perfectly together. I have had to rewrite the horn and trombone parts a couple of times as I had put it in the wrong key and written some bits too high or too low, all of these things made it sound crap so I changed them.

I have had good feedback regarding the score/parts I have written from a couple of my tutors at college. From this feedback I have also changed some parts to empathise some parts. For example, get the trombone to follow the bass line. We will be practicing all together once or twice before the gig so everyone will have to know there parts and hopefully it will go well.

Christmas Gig Update

So we have just gotten the date through for the christmas gig which is the 18th of December. This has given the band a goal to aim for and has helped to push us to write more material. One thing we have ben working on as a band is a funk medley style song. For this we combined Uptown Funk, Superstition, Wild West (by Will Smith), Good times and Express Yourself.

This will be a challenge for everyone involved in learning all the parts and smoothing out the transitions. It will be a challenge for me personally as I will be arranging a basic horn part for it. This will be a Trumpet, Saxophone and Trombone part, all in tune and working with each other. I know a Sax and Trombone guy so that will not be a problem. It will just be the writing of the parts.

Gig At the Shed

So yesterday I performed in  a gig with Ceaux fly at the Shed and it went very well, the audience loved us and we loved playing. Hopefully we will be doing more gigs there as everyone had a good time.

The freelance project is coming along well, I have found a few potential venues, these being the Shed, Sumo and the exchange. I will be scouting these venues soon and deciding very soon.


Ceaux Fly Reformed

So the band is now properly starting to get going after the summer, it has taken a short while to get used to each other again but now we are starting to gel again and write some more material. We have also changed our name from Sister and Sons, to Ceaux Fly. We also have another singer, Em, in our band now as well, this is a good thing as it means that we can layer harmonies better and it will sound fuller. Although it is now very cramped with 6 people in the little practice rooms and democracy is also harder to control.

Freelance Introduction

So this is my first blog post for my business freelance projects. I am now in the process of deciding what I will be doing for my freelance projects. One of the things that I have to do is teaching. At the moment I am planning on teaching keyboard although this is not set in stone and could change, I was thinking about doing trumpet which would make more sense seen as though I have been playing trumpet for longer and so could theoretically teach it better. For the project of my own choice I have decided that I will be promoting a gig. I will have to look into what venues are available and how much it would cost me to hold an event and then figure it out from there.